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Showing posts with label public. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Massachusetts Broadband Institute Announces Grant Awards

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) announced $335,000 in competitive grant awards todayThese grants are part of  MBI's Last-Mile Broadband Solutions Program to advance last-mile solutions and expand broadband connectivity in underserved areas of Massachusetts - specifically in western and north-central parts of the state. Providers will use a combination of new technology and existing infrastructure to eventually tap into MassBroadband 123, the MBI's 1,338 mile Internet backbone network that will extend broadband access to over 120 communities in western and north central Massachusetts.

Here's more detail from the MBI website:

  • The broadband planning grants were designed to fund the development of market studies, business plans, network engineering and designs, and other actions needed to develop and implement last-mile broadband solutions.
  • Grant recipients were selected through an open, rigorous and highly-competitive process. 
  • MBI funded broadband planning and deployment grants up to a maximum of $50,000 per provider and project, supported by a 25% funding match from the grant recipient. 
Here's details on the municipalities, broadband service providers and organizations that received grants today;

Broadband Planning Grants
  • The town of Leverett, in collaboration with Crocker Communications, will receive $40,000 to plan a Fiber to the Curb network, serving all 640 homes in the community.
  • The town of Royalston will receive $11,250 to design a wireless network to serve the community.
  • The organization WiredWest will receive $50,000 to further develop their broadband network design and business model that will serve 47 communities in western Massachusetts.
Broadband Deployment Grants
  • Mid-Hudson Cable, an Internet service provider, will receive $44,000 to deploy a wireless network to provide access to approximately 185 homes in the town of Tyringham.
  • GAW High-Speed Internet will receive $40,000 to deploy a wireless network in the town of Ashfield to provide access to approximately 200 customers.
  • AccessPlus will receive $50,000 to deploy a new wireless network to service 170 homes in Savoy and surrounding communities. 
  • The town of Warwick will receive $50,000 to expand and upgrade its wireless network to reach 400 more unserved homes in town. 
  • The town of Princeton, in collaboration with Ayatch Wireless, will receive $50,000 to expand its wireless network to reach 100 more customers.
Watch for more information.