There's been a lot of ups and downs in the delivery of broadband services over power lines (Broadband over Power Lines or BPL) here in the United States. Trials have been setup and the technology has been demonstrated to work but really has not gone anywhere.
Here in Western Massachusetts I recall a trial setup by one of the electric companies that delivered broadband services to wireless access points hung on poles. Customers made their connections by logging in wirelessly. That trial was done in a suburb/residential type area where other broadband options were available. The technology worked but I believe, in the end, the power company could not compete price-wise with the cable and telecommunications companies already servicing the area and the trial was dropped.
This scenario has played out across the country - here's an interesting quote from a BPL piece at NetworkWorld :
IBEC's trademarked tag line is "For Underserved and Rural Markets™" - exactly what we need in our country. I'm hoping this will be a sign of more good things (broadband) to come.