Showing posts with label Home Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Networking. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CloudCamp Western Mass Invitation

On April 20 the ICT Center and Springfield Technical Community College will be hosting CloudCamp Western Mass.

Never heard of CloudCamp? Here's some info from CloudCamp is an unconference where early adapters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas. With the rapid change occurring in the industry, we need a place we can meet to share our experiences, challenges and solutions. At CloudCamp, you are encouraged you to share your thoughts in several open discussions, as we strive for the advancement of Cloud Computing. End users, IT professionals and vendors are all encouraged to participate.

We're fortunate to have some great sponsors for the event including Microsoft, TNR Global, intuit, tropo and the UMass Amherst Computer Science Department.

Here's details on the event:

Date/Time: April 20, 2010, 2:30pm-7pm

Location: 1 Federal St, ICT Center, STCC, Springfield, MA 01105 Directions

Price: Free, food will be served at registration

Who should come: Developers, managers, faculty, students, etc from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, and surrounding states, who are working with or are interested in working with cloud technologies.


2:30pm Registration & Networking, Food

3:00pm Welcome and Thank yous

3:15pm Lightning Talks (5 minutes each) Sponsors TBD

3:45pm Unpanel (in the same room with lightning talks)

4:15pm Organize the Unconference Sessions

4:30pm Unconference Session 1

5:30pm Food break and Networking

5:45pm Unconference Session 2

6:45pm Wrap-up Session

The event will be technically very interesting and it will also be a great opportunity to network and connect with both national and regional high-tech people and companies.

We'll also be streaming portions of the event out to the web.

Register for the free event by following this link

If there are any questions feel free to email me at or call at 413-755-6552

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Verizon To Push Higher Bandwidth In-Home Network Equipment

An inside contact at Verizon sent along some interesting content from a Verizon corporate website post. The content describes how Verizon will start encouraging their FiOS fiber optic customers to upgrade in-home network equipment. The company will have new routers available in the third quarter of this year from Actiontec and Westell. These routers will boost in-home speeds over coaxial cable to up to 175 megabits per second (Mbps) from 75 Mbps and allow operation of multiple simultaneous Wi-Fi networks. For example, customers will be able to modify security settings on each network, allowing a Wi-Fi network for guests and visitors, one with parental controls for young users, one for computers holding secure documents, or one for teleworking only.

Here’s a list of new design features and benefits:

Higher bandwidth, offering 175 Mbps total data flow in the home.

Support for up to four Wi-Fi networks, enabling more than one Wi-Fi network to operate simultaneously. Quality of service controls to give traffic preference to critical services like voice or security devices.

Remote management of devices and services beyond the router by technicians, improving the service and support experience for customers.

Integrated dual-core processor to allow simultaneous networked data services, possibly including home security, home monitoring, network security and other applications.

Support for media sharing between home devices, such as between TVs and PCs, media servers, and other consumer electronics, using DLNA and Universal Plug and Play standards now being adopted by hardware manufacturers to support connectivity and service integration.

Enable modular expansion using a USB interface, so that shared storage servers, printers, peripherals and other devices can be added.

It makes sense to upgrade internal network devices to keep up with the fiber infrastructure.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Home Networking - A Killer Connection?

iSuppli has just released a Q1 2007 consumer demand report titled “Home Networking: In Search of a Killer Connection" with some very interesting survey results. The report says Home Networking will grow at a projected rate of 33% per year through 2011 as illustrated in the graph below (report source abstract linked here ).

Here's more from the report:

- The current global penetration rate of Home Networking is 3%

- WiFi will be the most common technology for home networking.

- Home networking is rapidly moving beyond just computer and printer connectivity. The big move over the next few years will be in entertainment devices like DVD recorders, set-top boxes, digital televisions, Digital Video Recorders, and video game consoles.

- 61% of the people surveyed want to connect their TV's to the Internet.

And here's a quote from the report:

The migration toward a ubiquitous consumer-friendly home network is still in its infancy. Today, home networking is essentially limited to the sharing of multiple PCs with the home broadband gateway. iSuppli believes this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many consumer appliances are now being designed with interconnectivity foremost in mind, andmore are expected over the next couple of years.

We've all been predicting this and anxiously waiting - it's happening - are you, your academic programs and your students ready?