Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facebook Will Need Its Own Operating System

Gabby came home today for a little while and she had her Chromebook with her. If you haven't seen one yet - it's a pretty cool little notebook running Google's Chrome operating system. It boots up in about three seconds and has a battery that lasts over 8 hours. Everything is stored in the cloud so everything is accessible with a web connection. Pretty nice for a first generation device.

It got me thinking - Facebook does not have a mobile operating system (or any operating system for that matter). Apple does, Microsoft does and Google now has more than one. Poking around on the web I found an interesting report from ABI Research titled Mobile Social Networking. Here's some quotes from that report:
The number of people accessing social networks from mobile phones will exceed 550 million in 2011, and that figure will more than triple to over 1.7 billion by the end of 2016. 
For Facebook, the growing importance of mobile is both an opportunity and a serious strategic challenge. On one hand, mobile allows the world’s leading social network to engage with millions of new consumers, but on the other hand its ability to make money from mobile users remains untested. 
Senior analyst Aapo Markkanen is also quoted in the report saying, "A huge problem for Facebook is that while on the web it is a platform, on mobile it’s just another application. To strengthen its hand in the short term we expect Facebook to aggressively take advantage of HTML5, but in the longer term it should absolutely become a mobile operating system of its own."

Facebook is lagging. Google+ is tied in very tightly with Android and Chrome already. Twitter is going to be built into Apple's iOS 5. Practice director Dan Shey is also quoted saying, “The interesting aspect in Apple’s and Twitter’s partnership is how it can provide iPhone users with a verifiable social identity for websites and apps. That gives developers a lot of scope to innovate in areas such as authentication, personalization and advertising. It’s a hint of things to come.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

10 Random Thoughts On 12-24-08

Here's my thoughts for this week:

  1. Will 2009 be the last year of the mechanical hard drive ?
  2. Every year is some sort of a milestone but 2009 will be special - my 30 year college (UMass Amherst ) graduation anniversary and my oldest graduating from high school - time flies doesn't it?
  3. How long will it be before we are calling ADSL legacy technology?
  4. Still no word from Obama on who his FCC chairman will be.
  5. Let's see - a Patriots win combined with either a Miami or Baltimore loss means playoffs for New England.
  6. Will 2009 be the year of Android?
  7. Have you tried Chrome yet? You should.
  8. Can we crawl out of this economic meltdown? We always have and I believe we always will.
  9. My heart and prayers go out to a colleague and family who lost their 12 year old this past fall.
  10. Happy Holidays - wishing lots of enjoyment with family and friends.
  11. Number 11 because it is Christmas Eve - if you do nothing else today.... read Tom Friedman's December 23 NYT Column Time to Reboot America
Have fun. Take time. Be safe.