Showing posts with label Bruins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruins. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My 2008 Top 12 Prediction List

2007 was a busy year and things do not look like they will slow down in 2008. Here's my personal top 12 predictions for the year in no particular order:

  1. Apple announces new 3G iPhone at MacWorld. 3G service will be switchable to conserve battery. New iPhone will also have at least internal storage with SD Card slot.
  2. First generation Google Phone will be OK but just OK as the bugs get worked out. However.......... just wait for the second generation!
  3. Patriots go undefeated and win Super Bowl - how can I resist this one?!
  4. Verizon northern states (Maine, Vermont and New Hamshire) sale to Fairpoint Communications is halted by one of the 3 states.
  5. Google wins 700 MHz spectrum auction. First Google "telephone" trucks appear on Bay area highways.
  6. Celtics win NBA championship - this one is a stretch!
  7. Verizon offers 100 Mbps symmetrical data service to FiOS customers
  8. Google Docs, Spreadsheet and Presenter webware become available offline.
  9. Microsoft goes on buying and marketing spree in an effort to keep up with Google's webware applications.
  10. Red Sox win American League pennant but are upset in the World Series.
  11. Comcast launches DOCSIS 3.0 100 Mbps data service to compete with Verizon's 100 Mbps FiOS service.
  12. Video and image search will go mainstream..... watch for my video podcast interview with Atalasoft President Bill Bither coming soon - it's been shot and is being edited now!
As much as I love hockey I'll skip the Bruins this year....... Looking at these 12 - minus the Sox, Patriots and the Celtics - the web has become the development platform of choice with high bandwidth access and availability required on any connected device......... You ain't developin' if it won't run in a web browser!

Happy New Year!