Thursday, February 4, 2010

Apple iPad First Impression Podcast

Last week Steve Jobs and Apple announced the iPad. Jobs and Apple say the tablet-style iPad computer represents a whole new category of consumer electronic devices. On Sunday we recorded a 36 minute and 40 second podcast where Mike Qaissaunee gives his first impressions and we discussed some of the technical specifications of the iPad. Here's a list of some of the questions Mike answers:

Size - How big is the iPad?
What about the hardware? Some people are referring to this thing as a big iPhone or iPod Touch?
What about the screen?
What about capacity?
Does the iPad have senors like the iPhone?
What about wireless?
What about other carriers?
What about GPS?
Battery Life?
What about the processor?
What about the software?
What about what's missing?
So, what do you think - is this going to go down in history as a revolutionary device?


To access Mike Q and my 36 minute and 40 second podcast titled
Apple iPad First Impression Podcast, click here.

Listen to it directly in your web browser by clicking here.

If you have iTunes installed you can subscribe to our podcasts by clicking here.


Bruce Princeton said...

My initial reaction when I saw the Apple iPad was confusion. What functionality does this device offer over and above the Apple iPhone? And what market is Apple aiming this device at?

Gordon F Snyder Jr said...

Interesting question Bruce.

I've asked myself what it would replace. Would it replace my iPhone? No.

Would it replace my notebook computer? Maybe for some but not me. My notebook is my only "full size" computer and I need the storage space.

Would it replace my Kindle? It certainly could.

So - if I had to guess the device sweet spot for someone like myself may be closer to the Kindle/Nook/etc e-readers right now.

I do believe the iPad will be a hot gaming device. However, I'm not a gamer so not a good justication/reason for purchase by me!