I've had a busy week of Verizon presentations and NSF meetings - early starts and late evenings with no real time to write here. I did want to take a few minutes though to wish my Mom a Happy Birthday and every Dad a Happy Father's Day - especially my Dad. We don't have a lot of pictures of my family so the ones we do have are special. Here's my all time favorite of my Dad, my two brothers and I.
From left to right - I'm the first one and was 4 years old - as you can see I had a receding hairline even as a kid...... Second is my brother Michael who was 2.75 years old at the time and is now an aerospace engineer. Next is my Dad, Gordon Senior, holding my brother John who was 1.5 years old at the time and is now a retired Army Colonel working in Washington, DC. Missing is my sister Jane who hadn't been born yet and is now a Math and Physics professor.
The picture was taken on Maguire's Landing Beach in South Wellfleet, MA which is out on Cape Cod. That's the Atlantic Ocean in the background and we're surf fishing for one of our favorite fishies - the "whiley" striped bass.
My Mom worked as an eighth grade English teacher and my Dad worked for the telephone company as a lineman / installer repair technician. They both worked very hard to bring us four kids up and many of our favorite memories are centered around times like the one in this picture. We still do get out on the water and we're all looking forward to fishing together on Cape Cod this summer.
Happy Birthday Mom and Happy Fathers Day Dad!
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