Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mini-Blogging with Tumblr

On Friday and Saturday last week I photo-blogged the National Center for Telecommunications Technologies (NCTT) Winter Conference held at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA. I used Tumblr, a free service that allows (among other things) the posting of photos, audio mp3 files and text from cell phones. I did my photo-blog posting using my iPhone - I was snapping pictures and then emailing them to a Tumblr email address. Picture captions are added by typing text into the email subject line.

Tumblr also allows text posting via instant messenger clients, the setting up of a custom domain and the posting of text, photos, videos, quotes, and links from any web page. Demogirl.com has a nice video describing how to setup and use Tumblr:

In addition to using Tumblr I also use Twitter to post short (up to 140 characters) text updates. I find myself posting to Twitter two or three times a day and commonly use it to post links to interesting web articles that relate to my work.

The combination of Blogger for full-blown blogs, Tumblr for mini-blogging and Twitter for micro-blogging along with the ability to incorporate them all into a single page, while still keeping them separate, is nice. Each serves a unique purpose and they complement each other well. And....... they are all free!

Follow my Twitter "Tweets" here: http://twitter.com/gsnyder and my Tumblr photo-blog here: http://gsnyder.tumblr.com

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